The CMF published 8 research reports in 2015-2016

See Industry Research

More than 16M unique visitors engaged with CMF-funded digital media productions

See Audience Results Digital Media

The CMF program budget was set at $374M in 2015-2016

See Program Funding Summary

About CMF

The Canada Media Fund (CMF) fosters, develops, finances and promotes the production of Canadian content and applications for all audiovisual media platforms. The CMF receives financial contributions from the Government of Canada and Canada’s cable, satellite and IPTV distributors.

Message from the Chair

"In the face of rapid evolution in the content industry, the CMF has demonstrated its ability to adapt with agility to new and changing realities. The CMF’s commitment to remain responsive has enabled it to pursue approaches that build on its many successes, while achieving its mandate in support of increasingly popular Canadian audiovisual productions."

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Message from the President and CEO

"Our steadfast commitment to supporting Canada’s audiovisual industry guides us in everything we do. We are confident that the sound administration of the CMF’s programs will allow us to continue supporting a growing number of high-quality Canadian productions in the years to come."

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Industry Partnerships


The CMF managed 51 partnerships across Canada and in key international markets to support stakeholder relations, stimulate coproduction, share industry research, and promote Canadian audiovisual content.

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CMF-funded content continues to connect with audiences, both at home and abroad, and to garner industry-wide recognition at major awards ceremonies.

Awards and Prizes

  • 201 awards in
  • 20 Canadian competitions
  • 11 awards in
  • 8 international competitions
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International sales


CMF-funded, Convergent projects reported 860 international sales.

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Television Audience Results


27 CMF-funded programs achieved audiences of over 1 million viewers on average.

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Funding Results

The CMF contributed $371.7M to Canadian television and digital media projects in 2015-2016.

Experimental Stream


104 innovative projects were selected, and received $40.5 million in funding.

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Convergent Stream


541 convergent productions received $314.9M in funding, generating almost 3,000 hours of new content.

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Production Activity


CMF funding in 2015-2016 triggered $1.4B in production activity, an 8.4% increase.

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