X Company follows five young Allied spies during World War II.

International Coproductions


The Canada Media Fund (CMF) supports international coproductions through both its Convergent and Experimental streams. In 2015-2016, international treaty coproductions represented a small portion of CMF convergent funded projects (5.0% of all funding).

At a total of $15.7M, funding to international convergent coproductions increased by 127.5% from 2014-2015, although the number of projects has not changed. The increase in funding was tied to five big-budget co-productions funded in 2015-2016.

The majority of convergent coproductions were with the United Kingdom (9) and France (9), as has been the trend in recent years. Coproducing countries were reduced to a core group of traditional partners. Ireland coproduced a big-budget drama for the sixth consecutive year, returning on Vikings IV. Hungary, Australia and Brazil returned to coproduction with 1 project each.

Funding to minority convergent coproductions increased $4.8M from 2014-2015 and surpassed funding to majority coproductions for the second year. Majority coproductions increased $4.0M in funding from 2014-2015.


There were 8 Experimental-funded international coproductions in 2015-2016, all benefitting from the international coproduction incentives. The number of Experimental coproductions doubled from last year.


International Coproduction and Codevelopment Incentives : 2015-2016

Incentive Stream Activity # of projects CMF Funding $K Foreign Funder $K Canadian Budgets $K
Canada-Australia Interactive Digital Media Incentive Experimental Production 3 349 364 465
Canada-Italy Codevelopment Incentive Convergent Development 6 100 100 210
Canada-New Zealand Digital Media Fund Experimental Production 3 566 546 743
SP Cine Codevelopment Incentive Convergent Development 3 92 50 147
Experimental Development 2 8 42 37
Canada-Wallonia Digital Media Incentive for Multiplatform Projects Experimental Production 2 430 428 775
Total     19 1,545 1,530 2,377


Expanding from last year’s two coproduction incentives, three new incentives were implemented in 2015-2016, partnering with Australia, Italy, and Brazil. The incentives targeted both Experimental and Convergent projects, in production and development stages. All five incentives were co-ventures with foreign funders, a result of a global outreach for coproduction partners on behalf of Canadian producers. The foreign partners contributed a total of $1.5M to CMF-funded projects, more than double last year’s amount.

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